Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Christmas 2018
The Story

by Peter K Bullock, MDiv, MS

It’s about a journey taken, stars followed, sudden surprises and inexplicable events.  It’s about crowded places, political pressure, ignorance and superstition.  It’s about the wise and the foolish, the poor and the privileged.  It’s about dreams and inner voices.  It’s about hopes and longings and promises.

Its form is ordinary, its substance is profound.  In the end, it’s about a man, a woman and a child; a very human experience filled with the desire that presses us inexorably toward the divine mystery.  Perhaps the story is our story – yours, mine and ours.  Perhaps it’s about us and our journey; the story that contains our deepest longings and our hidden hopes.  For surely it’s a story like ours; the ordinary, the confused, the fearful, the unexpected sustained by the thread of grace, gratitude, wonder and hope.

May your story contain all the elements of any great story:
One that is encouraged by hope, refined with joy,
Strengthened by love and wrapped in meaning.
And finally, may your story be one that moves
Unerringly toward . . .

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